Sunday, August 31, 2008

Baby Announcement! is not what you think! I am not pregnant, but we do have a new baby in the house.
His name is Robert Earl and he is an English Bulldog.
The kids have been dying for a bulldog for at least a year, so Mark and I set up "The Robert Earl Fund" A.K.A. a huge water dipenser jug. The boys have snached up any coins that that were left unattended for 2 seconds and saved up enough money for a kennel and toys. We had been in contact with several breeders, but just did not feel that the time was right. Last week God provided us with an opportunity to view a puppy after all this time and we immediately fell in love with this little guy. His father, Oscar, is a show dog and his mother Maggie is also an AKC registered English bulldog. This little guy was the runt of the litter, but he has grown from when we picked him out until we got to bring him home! Maggie's parents, Jack and Nancy Stacy could not have been nicer to us! They even called to check on him Monday night to see how he was doing. The only thing he has chewed on is Carter's Ole Miss football jersey! I took a bunch of really cute pictures with my camera, but I cannot get them downloaded. Mark took this with his phone, but we had a hard time keeping him awake to take it!


Kasey said...

So glad you are blogging. I hope you don't mind if I add you to my friend list. Love the bulldog. He is so cute.

Anonymous said...

hi! great to see another classmate blogging! i know carter is super excited about your new addition. tell him to bring some pics to school to share with his friends. take care and see you around blog land...
:) ms nicole