Sunday, October 12, 2008


I am just now getting around to posting our great Sunday afternoon TWO weeks ago! Matt and Carter got to spend the afternoon with ALL of their cousins! It was Mark's parents anniversary and Zeb (the oldest grandchild) was turning 30 on September 30th so he flew in from Colorado to celebrate! As you can see from the pictures, Matt and Carter are the youngest of all the grandkids by around 10 years. Although they are much older, they are great role models for the boys. Matt and Carter have some big shoes to follow! All have graduated from college or are two years away, Zeb has a great career as a geologist, vulcanologist, seismologist or whatever it is he does! Micah, has a great family...he is married to Courtney and have the two cutest girls, Mae and Grace. He is in the last years of his residency in Birmingham. Ian, Micah's sister is a great special education teacher in Nettleton. Hannah and Jade, Zeb's twin sisters graduated from Ole Miss. Hannah has applied to join the Peace Corp and Jade is going to turn the world into total Vegans (which I wish I could follow their example and do!) Marley, their sister, is in her junior year at Ole Miss and is majoring in Education and Patrick their brother is in nursing school! We had a great time all afternoon playing the family game of pitching washers, talking and relaxing!
Hannah sent me some great pictures, I will try to put more up as the week goes on!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love that Granddaddy is giving the peace sign or some weird version of bunny ears.