Saturday, September 27, 2008

Catfish Campout

Matt left Friday afternoon in an Army truck headed for Troop 85's annual Catfish Campout. Can I tell you how much we love Scouts? As a former Brownie drop out, I was never "into" Scouting until I met my husband. He is a proud Eagle Scout and although he has never pushed our boys into anything, he really wanted to instill a love for the Boy Scout program in them and he has accomplished that! Troop 85 (6th grade and up) has been a well established Troop for years and is chartered by Harrisburg Baptist Church. It has had for years, and still does, the reputation of being one of the best troops in Yocona Area Council (NE Miss). Pack 85 (1st grade to 5th grade) rechartered at HBC the year Matt was old enought to join. Mark, Frank Brinkley, John Thompson, Rusty Curbow, Ken Long, Jeff Sewell and many more that I can't remember worked hard to bring the Cub Scout program up to the high standards that Troop 85 has. And they have definitley succeded! Matt loved Cub Scouts and Carter cannot wait until he can go to summer camp this summer, although he has unoffically been twice! But back to the Catfish Campout...Lots of fishing, cooking, boy stuff, fishing, a five mile hike, did I mention fishing? and tons of good fun! He will come home tired as can be, but I know he has spent a weekend with good Christian men, setting examples that will last a lifetime. Anyone who has a boy that will start first grade next year let me know if you are interested in Cub Scouts...they will love it!

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