Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Old Venice

Usually my nights around the supper table consists of dining with the three stooges. Being the only female in the house at times makes me feel this way! But tonight was a real treat...I wasn't outnumbered, there were other FEMALES around! Mark, Matt, Carter and I had the priviledge of having supper with Michele and Olivia Orr. We went to Old Venice and I had the best time! No burping contests, fighting at the table (well, just one when Michelle and Olivia went to the restroom), no discussions about the Discovery Channel, the dead frogs in our pool skimmers and how they smell, potty jokes, bathroom humor, no making farty noises with armpits or any boy only related topics! They all even used a napkin instead of shirt sleeves! Olivia keep the boys in check while I actually enjoyed my entire meal without having once to give the "Evil Mom Stare" across the table! I am still stunned! Now Michelle..I know you are going to take up for them and say they are never that bad, but before you say, "Bless 'Em", I will loan them out to you for a few meals and you will see what I mean! I do want to say that I am truly thankful and feel blessed to have such a wonderful family and this is why God gave me boys because most of the time these things do not bother me. I am just glad to be able to "walk on the other side" and have some some girl topics at the table every now and then! I love you Mark, Matt and Carter dearly and with all my heart so thank you guys for being on your best behavior!! Thanks for going with us Michelle and Olivia and let's do it again real soon!!

1 comment:

Michele said...

Olivia and I had a wonderful evening with you and your stooges. I’m truly blessed to have you as my friend! You have a wonderful husband and two very sweet boys, Bless ‘Em!! Contrary to what you may believe, I too frequently dine to potty jokes and bathroom humor. Olivia still hasn’t mastered the farty armpit noises (I think her armpits are too skinny), but that doesn’t keep her from practicing. Love ya girl!!